What is it like to be a student in my class?
What is it like for a student to move through classes in a day at our school?
Preface: I taught two sections of college prep English 3 at Carlsbad High School in the fall of 2011.
I hoped that my optimism and good spirits translated into a fun class environment. I understand that it might have been dull as we were readingThe Scarlet Letter, as the text may not be as approachable in 2011-12. But I think that my modern insights and student activities made it worthwhile and enjoyable.
As CP I progressed, I tried to be as personal with my students as I could. I let them have a snapshot of who I was personality-wise, which turned out well. Most of the students responded well to this. As a teacher this came in handy when it came down to the nitty-gritty. And for the students, I think this helped build trust to follow me through The Scarlet Letter and full process essay, knowing they would get through it safe and I would help them be better readers and writers.
My class involved a consistent mix of reading, writing, speaking and listening activities to engage the students and deliver the content information. I hope that some of my reflective activities allowed the students to take something out of the literature and make older text applicable to their lives today.
I am sure that the block schedule creates a unique experience at Carlsbad High School. Having classes everyday means longer periods, and a greater chance of mentally drifting in the class. But it also means that there is more time to do assigned work outside of class since there is a day in between the date it was assigned and the day it was due.
CHS is such a large school, I do not think their is as much community between the students. The students are definitely social, but I doubt one student knows everyone else in the 3,000+ student body, let alone the others at his/her grade level. Without a smaller group of peers, I can understand how the school may be overwhelming.
Might want to Title it as a "Journal" instead of a reading response to help differentiate between the two classes...sweating the small stuff I know sorry