Monday, March 5, 2012

EDSS 541 Reading Response #14 & 15

DESCRIBE the co-teaching approaches you will use in you ITU.
DESCRIBE in your lesson plans who, what when, how and why in regards to the co-teaching approaches.

Working on this ITU has taught me that Math and English are less oil and water, and more peanut butter and chocolate. The more ways we can blend the two and show students connections between the two, the better they may internalize the material. The ITU is still in progress, but I think we can use all the styles of co-teaching on certain days.

The two that stand out most are parallel and complementary. During the first week, I think the parallel co-teaching would be a great way to implement some of the Flatland ideas Julie had. Her focus on geometry could be spread across stations, where we could monitor and help groups. Also, I am a fan of having visuals and multiple forms of covering material, so using complementary seems natural. Though I would not want Julie or I acting as just a notetaker. We would have to collaborate and think of ways that both of us could present something at the same time.

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